
Wu Tiao Jian Wei Ni Lyrics


ai ni deng yu yong you yi pian tian kong
Loving you is like owning a piece of the sky,
ren he feng chui cao dong dou you ni cu zai qi zhong
You are present in every aspect of the natural world.
zi ran er ran de qing song
The relaxed feeling that comes naturally,
一路到 夏天的尾声
yi lu dao xia tian de wei sheng
All the way till the end of summer.
无所谓 到过于激动
wu suo wei dao guo yu ji dong
It doesn't matter that we were too agitated,
我们有笑容 我们曾心动
wo men you xiao rong wo men ceng xin dong
We have smiles, our hearts were moved;
不再是 无动于衷
bu zai shi wu dong yu zhong
No longer apathetic.

无条件为你 不顾明天的安稳
wu tiao jian wei ni bu gu ming tian de an wen
Yours unconditionally, ignoring the stability of the future.
为你变坚强 相信你的眼神
wei ni bian jian qiang xiang xin ni de yan shen
Toughening up for you, believing in your expressions.
不敢想 不敢问
bu gan xiang bu gan wen
Afraid to think, afraid to ask,
you yi tian huai de ke neng
The possibility that one day all these would turn bad.
无条件为你 放弃单独的旅程
wu tiao jian wei ni fang qi gu du de lv cheng
Yours unconditionally, forsaking my lonely journey.
为你坚强 就不怕牺牲
wei ni jian qiang bu pa xi sheng
Being strong for you, unafraid of sacrifices.
我的灵魂 如此沸腾
wo de ling hun ru ci fei teng
My soul is burning thus,
wei wo ai de ren
For my loved one.
喜欢复杂还是 习惯单纯
xi huan fu za hai shi xi guan dan chun
Preferring complexity, or used to simplicity?
我愿尽力完成 你在我心中几分
wo yuan jin li wan cheng ni zai wo xin zhong ji fen
I am willing to try my best to succeed, to show how much you are worth to me.
nan yi xing rong de ze ren
This is an undescribable responsibility.
爱一个人 付出才会完整
ai yi ge ren fu chu cai hui wan zheng
When loving someone, you have to give much for the relationship to be complete.
无条件 越爱就越深
wu tiao jian yue ai jiu yue shen
Unconditionally, the more you love, the deeper the relationship gets.
永远不分 啊
yong yuan bu fen....Ah
Never apart.......... Ah
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