We Lost the Sea Paroles
Departure Songs
A Gallant Gentleman
The Last Dive of David Shaw
Challenger, Part 1: Flight
Challenger, Part 2: A Swan Song
The Quietest Place on Earth
A Quiet Place
Barkhan Charge
With Grace
Forgotten People
Nuclear City
A Day and Night of Misfortune I - Day
A Day and Night of Misfortune I - Night
The Vessel
Hail! Star of the Sea (The Rise of a Shining Emperor)
Balaklava Cold
Siege of Sevastopol
March to Scutari
A Day and Night of Misfortune I - Day
A Quiet Place
Balaklava Cold
Barkhan Charge
Challenger, Part 1: Flight
Challenger, Part 2: A Swan Song
Forgotten People
Hail! Star of the Sea (The Rise of a Shining Emperor)
March to Scutari
Siege of Sevastopol