US Marines Paroles

Marching Cadences of the US Marines
  1. Everywhere We Go
  2. If I Wanted to be a Doggie
  3. 1, 2, 3, 4 United States Marine Corps!
  4. I Used to Drive a Cadillac
  5. Marine
  6. When I Get to Heaven
  7. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
  8. 1, 2, 3, 4 United States Marine Corps! II
  9. John Quick
  10. Parris Island
  11. Mama, Mama, Can't You See?
  12. Thirteen Weeks of Misery
  13. Mama, Mama, Can't You See II
  14. Gee Ma, I Wanna Go Home
  15. Hey, Hey, Whiskey Jack
  16. Halls of Montezuma
  17. Ain't No Use in Looking Down
  18. Drill Instructor
  19. Hey, Marine Corps!
  20. Parris Island/San Diego/Marine Corps
  21. I Want My Cadillac
  22. Get Up In The Morning
  23. The Prettiest Girl I Ever Saw
  24. Everywhere We Go II