Tub Ring Paroles

Optics & Sonics
  1. Tub Ring Evolution
  2. Tub Ring Travelogue
  3. MSI Tour Diary
  4. Habitat (video)
  5. Building the "Habitat"
  6. Faster (video)
  7. Bite the Wax Tadpole
  8. Alexander in Charge
  9. I Could Never Fall in Love With You
  10. Habitat
  11. Halloween Night Live in Barrie
  12. No More Refills (live on Chic-A-Go-Go)
  13. Living With Rene's Head (live)
  14. All the Things She Said (live)
  15. Tiny, Little
  16. Invalid (live)
  17. Black Message
  18. Breakdancing My Way Back Into Your Heart
  19. Uberwagon
  20. How to Kill Just About Everyone
  21. Good Food: Happy Family
  22. God Hates Astronauts
  23. Psychology Is B.S. (Not Science)
  24. Fruit of Knowledge
  25. The Promise Keeper
  26. The Night Watch
  27. 2minus3
  28. Bustin' a Nutt (2001 Redux)
  29. Panic the Digital (demo)
  30. Keep Your Head Down
  31. Farnsworth Road
  32. The Emperor's Son
  33. The Night Watch (interlude)
  34. All the Rules Have Changed
  35. One Piece at a Time
  36. Greenest of Stages
  37. The Dockyards
  38. God Hates Astronauts (outro)
Book of Water
  1. Panic the Digital (demo)
  2. O.C.D.
  3. Living With Rene's Head (demo)
  4. Mouth to Mouth
  5. Break Dancing My Way Back Into Your Heart
  6. Teen Beat Medley
  7. Negative One (live)
  8. How to Kill Just About Everyone
  9. Bustin'-a-Nut
Super Sci-Fi Samurai Rockstar Ultra Turbo II
  1. Uberwagon
  2. O.C.D.
  3. Living With Rene's Head
  4. Recovering Addict
  5. How to Kill Just About Everyone
  6. French Pastry
  7. Malabsorbtive
  8. Float
  9. And Then There's Joe
  10. Bustin' a Nutt
...And the Mashed Potatoe Mountain Etiquette
  1. Scuba Gear
  2. Gizzards
  3. Flying Pimp
  4. Black Message
  5. Invisible Pet
  6. And Then There's Joe
  7. Breakdancing My Way Back Into Your Heart
  8. Unappealing
  9. Yummie Yummie Yummie
  10. New Shoes
  11. Dead Things on the Side of the Road Make Me Laugh
  12. Courtesy Flush
  13. 1
  14. 2
  15. 3
  16. 4
  17. 5
  18. 6
  19. 7
  20. 8
  21. 9
  22. 10
  23. 11
  24. 12
  25. 13
  26. 14
  27. 15
  28. 16
  29. 17
  30. 18
  31. 19
  32. 20
  33. 21
  34. 22
  35. 23
  36. 24
  37. 25
  38. 26
  39. Peanuts