Tika Paroles

The Headless Songstress
  1. Tentang Tirani?
  2. Pol Pot
  3. Venus Envy
  4. 20 Hours
  5. Uh Ah Lelah
  6. Red Cabaret
  7. Infidel Castratie
  8. Waltz Muram
  9. Tentang Petang
  10. Mayday
  11. Clausmophobia
Defrosted Love Song
  1. But I Love Though
  2. Under Their Feet
  3. Waiting for 2.00
  4. Fever Fairytale
  5. My Late Ego
  6. Saddest Farewell
  7. Rimbaud's Limbo
  8. Premortem Wound
  9. Gugur Sepatu
  10. Waiting for 2.3 (remixed)
  11. Stil Under Their Feet (remixed)
  12. You Belong to Me