The Rotted Paroles
Ad Nauseam
Anarchogram Sun
Rex Oblivione
Surrounded by Skulls
Non Serviam
Just Add Nauseam
Entering the Arena of the Unwell
The House of Bedlam
Apathy in the UK
The Hammer of Witches
Put Me Out of Your Misery
Get Dead or Die Trying
Nothin' but a Nosebleed
The Howling
A Return to Insolence
Kissing You With My Fists
Angel of Meth
A Brief Moment of Regret
The Body Tree
Get Dead or Die Trying
It's Like There's a Party in My Mouth (And Everyone's Being Sick)
Fear and Loathing in Old London Town
28 Days Later
A Brief Moment of Regret
A Return to Insolence
Angel of Meth
Fear and Loathing in Old London Town
Get Dead or Die Trying
It's Like There's a Party in My Mouth (And Everyone's Being Sick)
Kissing You With My Fists
Nothin' but a Nosebleed
Rex Oblivione
The Body Tree
The Howling