I ain't never been with a woman long enough
For my boots to get old
We've been together so long now
They both need resoled
If I ever settle down
You'd be my kind
And it's a good time for me
To head on down the line
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
I'm the kinda man likes to get away
Like to start dreaming about
Tomorrow, today
Never said that I love you
even though its so
Where's that duffle bag of mine?
It's time to go
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
I'm gonna be leaving
At the break of dawn
Wish you could come
But I don't need no woman taggin along
I'll sneak out that door
Couldn't stand to see you cry
I stay another year if i saw teardrops in your eyes
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
I never had a d*** thing, but what I had
I had to leave it behind
You're the hardest thing
I ever tried to get off of my mind
Always something greener on the other side of that hill
I was born wrangler and a rounder
and I guess I always will
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
Lyrics Directory > The Marshall Tucker Band > Heard It in a Love Song
For my boots to get old
We've been together so long now
They both need resoled
If I ever settle down
You'd be my kind
And it's a good time for me
To head on down the line
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
I'm the kinda man likes to get away
Like to start dreaming about
Tomorrow, today
Never said that I love you
even though its so
Where's that duffle bag of mine?
It's time to go
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
I'm gonna be leaving
At the break of dawn
Wish you could come
But I don't need no woman taggin along
I'll sneak out that door
Couldn't stand to see you cry
I stay another year if i saw teardrops in your eyes
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
I never had a d*** thing, but what I had
I had to leave it behind
You're the hardest thing
I ever tried to get off of my mind
Always something greener on the other side of that hill
I was born wrangler and a rounder
and I guess I always will
Heard it in a love song (3x)
Can't be wrong
Lyrics Directory > The Marshall Tucker Band > Heard It in a Love Song