The Fatima Mansions Paroles

Come Back My Children
  1. Only Losers Take The Bus
  2. The Day I Lost Everything
  3. Wilderness On Time
  4. You Won't Get Me Home
  5. 13th Century Boy
  6. Bishop of Babel
  7. Valley Of The Dead Cars
  8. Big Madness / Monday Club Carol
  9. What?
  10. Blues For Ceausescu
  11. On Suicide Bridge
  12. Hive
  13. The Holy Mugger
  14. Stigmata
  15. Lady Godiva's Operation
Viva Dead Ponies
  1. Angel's Delight
  2. Concrete Block
  3. Mr. Baby
  4. The Door-to-Door Inspector
  5. Start the Week
  6. You're a Rose
  7. Legoland 3
  8. Thursday
  9. Ceaușescu Flashback
  10. Broken Radio No. 1
  11. Concrete Block
  12. Look What I Stole for Us, Darling
  13. Farewell Oratorio
  14. The White Knuckle Express
  15. Chemical Cosh
  16. Tima Mansio Speaks
  17. A Pack of Lies
  18. Viva Dead Ponies
  19. More Smack, Vicar
Against Nature
  1. Only Losers Take the Bus
  2. The Day I Lost Everything
  3. Wilderness on Time
  4. You Won't Get Me Home
  5. 13th Century Boy
  6. Bishop of Babel
  7. Valley of the Dead Cars
  8. Big Madness / Monday Club Carol