Swing Out Sister Paroles

Bande Originale: The Music of Swing Out Sister
  1. Somewhere Deep in the Night
  2. Breakout (slow)
  3. You on My Mind
  4. Alpine Crossing
  5. Notgonnachange
  6. Breakout (fast)
  7. Forever Blue
  8. Twilight World
  9. Now You're Not Here
  10. Stoned Soul Picnic
Private View
  1. Incomplete Without You
  2. You on My Mind
  3. ...it may not be enough... (interlude)
  4. La La Means I Love You
  5. ...and the flowers will grow... (interlude)
  6. Am I the Same Girl?
  7. Notgonnachange
Where Our Love Grows
  1. Love Won't Let You Down
  2. Where Our Love Grows
  3. When the Laughter Is Over
  4. Certain Shades of Limelight
  5. From My Window
  6. Caipirinha
  7. Where Our Love Grows (a cappella)
  8. Let the Stars Shine
  9. We'll Find a Place
  10. Happy Ending
  11. La Source
  12. Love Won't Let You Down (More Love)
Somewhere Deep in the Night
  1. Through the Sky
  2. Will We Find Love?
  3. Somewhere Deep in the Night
  4. The Vital Thing
  5. What Kind of Fool Are You?
  6. Suspended in Time
  7. Alpine Crossing
  8. Fool Tag
  9. Where the Hell Did I Go Wrong?
  10. Non e vero ma ci credo
  11. Touch Me Now
  12. The Vital Thing - Take B
  13. Where Do I Go?
  14. Now Listen to Me
Kaleidoscope World
  1. You on My Mind
  2. Where in the World
  3. Forever Blue
  4. Heart for Hire
  5. Tainted
  6. Waiting Game
  7. Precious Words
  8. Masquerade
  9. Between Strangers
  10. The Kaleidoscope Affair
  11. Coney Island Man
  12. Precious Words (instrumental)
  13. Forever Blue (string mix)
  14. Masquerade (instrumental)