Sweet Honey in the Rock Paroles

B'lieve I'll Run On... See What the End's Gonna Be
  1. Seven Principles
  2. A Woman
  3. Fannie Lou Hamer
  4. My Way
  5. They Are Falling All Around Me
  6. B'lieve I'll Run On ... See What the End's Gonna Be
  7. All Praise Is Due to Love
  8. Sitting on Top of the World
  9. Every Woman
Still on the Journey
  1. Spiritual
  2. Ballad of the Broken Word
  3. A Tribute
  4. Come by Here
  5. Wanting Memories
  6. No Mirrors in My Nana's House
  7. In the Morning When I Rise
  8. Long Journey Home
  9. I'm Going to Get My Baby Out of Jail
  10. Sojourner's Battle Hymn
  11. Rest for the Weary
  12. Run on for a Long Time
  13. Stay
  14. Wodaabe Nights
Sweet Honey in the Rock
  1. Sweet Honey in the Rock
  2. The Sun Will Never Go Down
  3. Dream Variations
  4. Let Us Come Together
  5. Joanne Little
  6. Jesus Is My Only Friend
  7. Are There Any Rights I'm Entitled To
  8. Going to See My Baby
  9. You Make My Day Pretty
  10. Hey Mann
  11. Doing Things Together
  12. Traveling Shoes
  13. Sweet Honey in the Rock
In This Land
  1. In This Land
  2. Patchwork Quilt
  3. This Is a Mean World
  4. When I Die
  5. Babethandaza
  6. Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehowah
  7. Fulani Chant
  8. Trying Times
  9. Now That the Buffalo Are Gone
  10. I Be Your Water
  11. Give Your Hands to Struggle
  12. See See Rider
  13. Colours
  14. (Women Should Be) A Priority
  1. Breaths
  2. Ella's Song
  3. Oughta Be a Woman
  4. Echo
  5. Biko
  6. Good News
  7. We All... Everyone of Us
  8. More Than a Paycheck
  9. How Long?
  10. Alla That's All Right, But
  11. Sometime
  12. On Children
  13. Listen to the Rhythm
  14. I'm Gon' Stand
  15. Battle for My Life
  16. Study War No More
  17. Chile Your Waters Run Red Through Soweto
  18. If You Had Lived
  19. Azanian Freedom Song
We All... Everyone Of Us
  1. Study War No More
  2. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
  3. Sweet Bird of Youth
  4. How Long
  5. More Than a Paycheck
  6. Azanian Freedom Song
  7. Listen to the Rhythm
  8. Testimony
  9. Oh Lord Hold My Hand
  10. Battle for My Life
  11. Ella's Song
  12. I'm Gon' Stand
  13. We All Everyone of Us