Silicon Dream Paroles

Time Machine
  1. Time Machine (You Are the Master of Time-Age)
  2. Jimmy Dean Loved Marilyn - Film ab (The Holywood-Age)
  3. Corleone Speaking (The Chicago-Age)
  4. Holiday in St. Tropez - Eating Pizza in Ibiza (The Cola-Age)
  5. Marcello the Mastroianni (The Fellini-Age)
  6. Albert Einstein - Everything Is Relative (The Age of the Inventors)
  7. Primaballerina (The Romantic-Age)
  8. Don't Break My Heart (The Age of Love)
  9. Marcello the Mastroianni (Monster mix)
  10. Albert Einstein - Everything Is Relative (Russian mix)
  11. Jimmy Dean Loved Marilyn - Film Ab (Mix Cinemascope)