Sacramentum Paroles

Far Away From the Sun / Finis Malorum
  1. Fog's Kiss
  2. Far Away From the Sun
  3. Blood Shall Be Spilled
  4. When Night Surrounds Me
  5. Cries From a Restless Soul
  6. Obsolete Tears
  7. Beyond All Horizon
  8. The Vision and the Voice
  9. Outro - Darkness Fall for Me/Far Away From the Sun, Part 2
  10. Moonfog (Finis Malorum demo)
  11. Travel With the Northern Winds (Finis Malorum demo)
  12. Devide Et Impera (Finis Malorum demo)
  13. Pagan Fire (Finis Malorum demo)
  14. Finis Malorum (Finis Malorum demo)
Finis Malorum
  1. Moonfog
  2. Travel With the Northern Winds
  3. Devide et Impera
  4. Pagan Fire
  5. Finis Malorum (outro)