Retox Paroles

  1. Mature Science
  2. Don't Fall in Love Yourself
  3. You Lost Me at "It Wasn't My Fault"
  4. Congratulations, You're Good Enough
  5. Soviet Reunion
  6. Greasy Psalms
  7. I've Had It Up to Here, I'm Going to Prison
  8. The Art of Really, Really Sucking
  9. Biological Process of Politics
  10. Nose to Tail
  11. Consider the Scab Already Picked
Ugly Animals
  1. The World Is Ending and It's About Time
  2. Thirty Cents Shy of a Quarter
  3. A Funeral on Christmas Sunday
  4. Stick a Fork in It
  5. Cement Sucking
  6. Boredom Is Counter-Revolutionary
  7. A Captive Audience
  8. Sorry We Are Just Not Compatible