Orkrist Paroles

  1. For Lordaeron
  2. When the Autumn Comes
  3. Enter Middle-earth
  4. Glamdring
  5. Mundburg
  6. Angmareddon
  7. The Ode: Fall of Gil-galad
  8. Grond
  9. Dreams of Life Beyond My Shire Beloved
  10. Rotten Veil of Nakedness
  11. Shadowlord
  12. There and Back Again: The Return
Reginae Mysterium
  1. Apron - Legio Diabolica
  2. Nocturnal Rite
  3. Orkrist
  4. The Ancient War Spirit
  5. Sword and Sorcerery
  6. Euthymia
  7. Justice the Beauty
  8. Desire in the Grace of the Night
  9. Reginae Mysterium
  10. Mourning of a Rose
  11. Epilogue