
Skreamska Lyrics

No tapa a boca no me para no pega no me toca, provoca, me dice que me calle yo la boca, me encierra, no importa lo que diga no interesa, me pega, me ciega. Don't tell me to shut up, don't stop me, don't hit me, don't touch me, don't provoke me, and tell me to stay quiet, enclose me, it doesn't matter what I say, you beat me, you blind me..... and she told me that things, they won't get better, but you must stop to think, de esa manera. I do believe that you, que cosa loca, don't wanna cry, but you must stop to shout, de esa manera...

All around in the town crime is happening, any time all around grows up violence, psychopolice and thieves they kill each other and so much more...
And who has got involved, who made a party go exploding like you, they feel so sorry, some of them got a gun, and that's the difference, now they can kill... You know they will.
E não tem para onde ir não têm onde viver.... Wanna try, find a way, to cry only for some happiness, never lie on your back - otherwise you're gonna lose the track.
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De tiempo en el momento de la explosión (1997)