Nancy Cassidy Paroles

Kids Songs
  1. You Gotta Sing
  2. Wabash Cannonball
  3. Day-O
  4. Ting-A-Lay-O
  5. Mr. Sun
  6. Father's Old Grey Whiskers
  7. Baby Beluga
  8. Willoughby, Wallaby, Woo
  9. Shake Your Sillies Out
  10. Brush Your Teeth
  11. Down by the Bay
  12. Jamaica Farewell
  13. Apples and Bananas
  14. Chicken Lips
  15. Polly Wolly Doodle
  16. This Old Man
  17. The Fox
  18. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  19. Puff (The Magic Dragon)
  20. Morningtown Ride
  21. This Little Light of Mine