Music Together Paroles
- Great Big Stars
- Shenandoah
- Raisins and Almonds
- Sleepyhead
- The Riddle Song
- Ally Bally
- By 'n' By
- My Bonnie
- Cradle Song
- Duérmete Niño Bonito
- Su La Li
- Brahms' Lullaby
- All the Pretty Little Horses
- Russian Folk Song
- Shady Grove
- The Water Is Wide
- Tomorrow's Now Today
- May All Children
- Hello Song
- Old Brass Wagon
- Ride-O
- Round Robin (TP)
- Tingalayo (RP)
- Betty Martin
- One Little Owl
- Green and Blue
- Hey Ya Na
- See the Pony Galloping (RP)
- Wedding Dance (TP)
- Tricks with Sticks
- Cradle Song
- Tambourine Jam
- Sneakin' Round the Room (TP)
- Hippity, Happity, Hoppity (RP)
- Paw Paw Patch
- Merry Go Round
- Secrets
- Ding, Dong, Ding Dong (TP)
- This 'n' That (RP)
- Scarborough Fair
- Good News
- Raisins and Almonds
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
Triangle Song Collection
- Hello Song
- Dance with Me (Rhythm Pattern)
- The Train Song (Tonal Patterns)
- Ten Fingers
- Nothin' Blues
- Ladybug
- Rain Song
- Can You Do What I Do?
- Two Little Blackbirds
- Rolling a Round Ball (Rhythm Patterns)
- Camels (Tonal Patterns)
- Maria Isabel
- Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
- Ally Bally
- Baa, Baa, Little Star
- Breezes (Tonal Patterns)
- I'm Hiding
- Old Blue (Rhythm Patterns)
- Bird Song
- Skip to My Lou
- Drummers Marching (Tonal Patterns)
- Stick Dance (Rhythm Patterns)
- Allee Galloo
- The Water Is Wide
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
- Hello Song
- I Had a Little Frog
- Rhythm Patterns
- Me, You, and We
- Obwisana
- Marching and Drumming
- Tonal Patterns
- Sailing Song
- Tonal Patterns
- See the Pony Galloping
- Apples and Cherries
- My Ball
- Rythym Patterns
- Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
- All the Pretty Little Horses
- Baa, Baa, Little Star
- Here Isa Bunny
- Old King Cole
- Rhythm Patterns
- There's a Little Wheel A-Turning
- Tonal Patterns
- Tingalayo
- Singin' Every Day
- Shake Those 'Simmons Down
- Great Big Stars
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
MARACAS Song Collection
- Hello Song
- Jumpin' Josie
- Tonal Patterns
- Pease Porridge Hot
- Rhythm Patterns
- Wiggle
- All Around the Kitchen
- William Tell's Ride
- Bim Bam
- I'm a Bell
- Hop Ol' Squirrel
- Tsakonikos
- Rhythm Patterns
- Doodle
- Tonal Patterns
- Train to the City
- Su La Li
- Goin' for Coffee
- Five Little Mice
- Rhythm Patterns
- Dancing with Teddy
- Tonal Patterns
- Brincan y bailan
- Dee Da Dum
- The Sad Little Puppy
- Tonal Patterns
- Jack Be Nimble
- Rhythm Patterns
- Cloud Song
- Play the Drum
- Frere Jacques
- Russian Folk Song
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
FLUTES Song Collection
- Hello Song
- Hey Lolly, Lolly
- I Had a Little Frog
- The Three Ravens
- Dum Ditty Dum
- The Earth Is Our Mother
- Sandpiper
- Aeolian Dance
- Saying and Doing
- There's A Little Wheel a-Turnin'
- Ran Tin Tinnah
- Leaves Are Falling
- Shake those 'Simmons Down
- The Riddle Song
- Simple Gifts
- Jim Along Josie
- Dance To Your Daddy
- Rocketship
- The Crow Song
- Vengan a Ver
- Harvest Dance
- Tum Balalaika
- I've Been Working on the Railroad
- All The Pretty Little Horses
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
- Hello Song
- Crawdad (RP)
- Five Little Mice
- The Train Song(TP)
- Eensy, Weensy Spider
- Fireworks
- The Sad Little Puppy (TP)
- Ridin' in the Car
- She Sells Sea Shells
- John the Rabbit
- Stick Dance (RP)
- Su La Li
- Foolin' Around
- Here Is the Beehive (RP)
- Trot, Old Joe
- Doodle (TP)
- Maria Isabel
- Allee Galloo
- Sleepyhead
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
FIDDLE Song Collection
- Hello Song
- Crawdad / Rhythm Patterns
- The Sounds of Fall
- Apples and Cherries / Tonal Patterns
- Walking Song
- A Ram Sam Sam
- Old King Cole
- Los Fandangos
- Goin' to Boston
- Can You Do This? / Tonal Patterns
- Bela Boya / Rhythm Patterns
- Sweet Potato
- Shady Grove
- Lauren's Waltz
- Here Is the Beehive / Rhythm Patterns
- Marching and Drumming / Tonal Patterns
- I've Got the Rhythm in My Head
- Hiné Ma Tov
- No More Pie
- Mississippi Cats
- Singin' Every Day
- This Little Light of Mine
- Shenandoah
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
BONGOS Song Collection
- Hello Song
- She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain
- Every Day
- Open and Shut Them
- Hey, Diddle, Diddle
- Walking Through the Woods
- See How I'm Jumping
- This Old Man
- Fireworks
- Palo, Palo
- Ding-a-Ding
- Train Is a-Comin'
- Sleepyhead
- Bongo Jam
- Eensy, Weensy Spider
- Mountain Dew
- Shoo, Fly, Don't Bother Me
- Greensleeves
- Little Johnny Brown
- Canoe Song
- Li'l 'Liza Jane / Funga Alafia
- Down Under
- City Blues
- My Bonnie
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
Sticks Song Collection
- Hello Song
- Ridin' in the Car
- Tonal Patterns
- I Had a Little Frog
- Rhythm Patterns
- Follow Me Down to Carlow
- Mary Wore a Red Dress
- Spin and Stop
- Stick Tune
- Happy Puppy, Silly Cat
- Rhythm Patterns (2)
- Jim-Along Josie
- I'm Freezing!
- Nigun
- Tonal Patterns (2)
- Roll That Little Ball
- Pop Goes the Weasel!
- Russian Folk Song
- Play Along, Too
- Jack-in-the-Box
- Rhythm Patterns (3)
- The Tailor and the Mouse
- Blow the Wind Southerly
- Tonal Patterns (3)
- Mix it Up!
- Don Alfredo Baila
- Trot to Grandma's House
- Rhythm Patterns (4)
- Starlight
- Tonal Patterns (4)
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- May All Children
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
- Hello Song
- Hey, Diddle, Diddle
- Here Is the Beehive
- Rhythm Patterns
- Play the Drum
- Hiné Ma Tov
- I've Got the Rhythm in My Head
- Tonal Patterns
- Ten Fingers
- A Ram Sam Sam
- Tonal Patterns (2)
- My Lady Wind
- Tricks With Sticks
- Tomorrow's Now Today
- Play Along
- Two Little Kitty Cats
- Rolling a Round Ball
- Tonal Patterns (3)
- The Two Birds
- Rhythm Patterns (2)
- Deedle Dumpling
- Happy Puppy, Silly Cat
- Rhythm Patterns (3)
- Jim-Along Josie
- María Isabel
- My Bonnie
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
DRUM Song Collection
- Hello Song
- Biddy Biddy
- Tonal Patterns
- Clap Your Hands
- John the Rabbit
- Rhythm Patterns
- Sneak and Peek
- Rig-a-Jig-Jig
- Playin' in the Kitchen
- Sailing Song
- There's a Cobbler
- Ticking and Tocking
- Rhythm Patterns
- Drum and Sing
- Tonal Patterns
- Duérmete niño bonito
- Play Along
- The Snail and the Mouse
- They Always Come Back
- Rhythm Patterns
- A Ram Sam Sam
- Tonal Patterns
- Here Is the Cookie Jar
- Ding Dong, Ding Dong
- My Ball
- Rhythm Patterns
- Arirang
- Roll Over
- Tonal Patterns
- Everybody Loves Saturday Night
- Tomorrow's Now Today
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
- Hello Song
- Hey Lolly, Lolly
- To Market
- Rhythm Patterns
- The Three Ravens
- Tonal Patterns
- The Crow Song
- Aeolian Dance
- Saying and Doing
- There's a Little Wheel a-Turning
- Tonal Patterns (2)
- Swinging
- Ran Tin Tinnah
- Rhythm Patterns (2)
- Oranges, Lemons
- Leaves Are Falling
- Shake Those 'Simmons Down
- The Riddle Song
- Simple Gifts
- Rhythm Patterns (3)
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Tonal Patterns (3)
- Harvest Dance
- The Earth Is Our Mother
- Vengan a Ver
- Tum Balalaika
- Tonal Patterns (4)
- Rocketship
- Rhythm Patterns (4)
- I've Been Working on the Railroad
- All the Pretty Little Horses
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell