Joyside Paroles

Booze at Neptune's Dawn
  1. Spy
  2. All Night
  3. Neptune's Child
  4. Out of Time
  5. Dong Dong Dong
  6. Booze at Dawn
  7. Too Fast to Love
  8. Lover D
  9. Baby in Shadow
  10. Fire
Drunk Is Beautiful
  1. Pretty 3 Chords
  2. I Want Beer
  3. Music Sucks
  4. Nothing to Do
  5. A Dream of London
  6. (I Am) Lazy & Wasting
  7. Sunday Morning
  8. I Don't Wanna Be
  9. The Saviour Johnny Rotten
  10. Univershity
  11. I Don't Care About Your Society
  12. I Can't Live Without Cigarettes
  13. A Girl From Nowhere
  14. Fall in Beer With You
  15. Everyphucingday