Joker's Daughter Paroles

May Cause Side Effects
  1. Mind of Gold
  2. The Book That Drew Itself
  3. Giants, Snakes and Dinosaurs
  4. Bubbles
  5. Moaning Mini Gets Beamed Up by a U.F.O.
  6. The Raven's Ball
  7. Knowing
  8. May Cause Side Effects
  9. Orpheus
  10. Gossiping Old Handbag
  11. The Fool
  12. Follow
  13. Thirteen
  14. His Season
The Last Laugh
  1. Worm's Head
  2. Jessie the Goat
  3. Go Walking
  4. Lucid
  5. JD Folk Blues
  6. The Last Laugh
  7. Under the Influence of Jaffa Cakes
  8. Jelly Belly
  9. Cake and July
  10. Chasing Ticking Crocodile
  11. Nothing Is Ever What It Seems
  12. The Running Goblin
  13. Yellow Teapot