John Philip Sousa Paroles
Sousa Original - Volume II ("The President's Own" United States Marine Band)
The Stars and Stripes Forever
The Man Behind the Gun
Selections From the Operetta, "The Bride Elect"
La Reine de la Mer
Sound Off
The Royal Welch Fusiliers
The Looking Upward Suite: By the Light of the Polar Star
The Looking Upward Suite: Beneath the Southern Cross
The Looking Upward Suite: Mars and Venus
The Gallant Seventh
The Thunderer March
Sousa Original (United States Marine Band)
Semper Fidelis
Presidential Polonaise
Manhattan Beach March
Comrades of the Legion March
Saber and Spurs March
The Gridiron Club March
King Cotton March
Easter Monday on the White House Lawn
Who's Who in Navy Blue March
The Invincible Eagle March
Excerpts From Mars and Venus
The Washington Post March (1890)
The Washington Post March (1988)
Great American Marches I, Volume 11
King Cotton
Hands Across the Sea
Solid Men to the Front
The Gladiator
The Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Marquette University
The Rifle Regiment
Semper Fidelis
The Legionnaires
The Northern Pines
The Belle of Chicago
The Daughters of Texas
The Gallant Seventh
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
The Invisible Eagle
Golden Jubilee
New York Hippodrome
Manhattan Beach
The Pride of the Wolverines
The Gridiron Club
The Liberty Bell
Great American Marches II (Her Majesty's Royal Marines feat. conductor: Lt. Colonel G.A.C. Hoskins)
El Capitan
Hail to the Spirit of Liberty
The Charlatan
The Washington Post
From Maine To Oregon
The Lambs
The Beau Ideal
The Crusader
The Diplomat
The National Game
The Black Horse Troop
Powhatan's Daughter
On The Campus
Kansas Wildcats
La Flor De Sevilla
The Fairest of the Fair
Sound Off
Jack Tar
The High School Cadets
The Thunderer
The Glory of the Yankee Navy
The Stars & Stripes Forever
Great Marches and Incidental Music (The Wallace Collection, feat. cond. John Wallace)
Stars & Stripes Forever
Washington Post
Semper Fidelis
Chariot Race
La Reine de la Mer
Liberty Bell
Hail to the Spirit of Liberty
Jack Tar
The Coquette
Under the Cuban Flag
King Cotton
With Pleasure
Manhattan Beach
El Capitan (March)
El Capitan (Selection)
The Thunderer
Sousa the Great
Stars And Stripes Forever
Washington Post
The Liberty Bell
Manhattan Beach
Belle Of Chicago
Invincible Eagle
Grid Iron Club
High School Cadets
Semper Fidelis
Hands Across The Sea
American Patrol March
Battle Hymn of the Republic
In the Good Old Summertime
Liberty Bell March
American Patrol March
Battle Hymn of the Republic
In the Good Old Summertime
Liberty Bell March
Semper Fidelis
The Stars and Stripes Forever