
Echoes Lyrics

You may find out
If I find the need to mutter
I will tell you everything
You may hear me
If you truly believe it matters
Then I will tell you everything

So keep close, keep quiet
And do not speak a word
And I will tell you everything
And all I know,
Is that your hopes won't help at all
So waste your days
Just waste your days with me

Rather hollow, and it could echo
This is the longest hour you will spend on Earth
Near senseless, near motionless
This is the longest hour you will spend on Earth
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I Want You to Know That There Is Always Hope (2008)
Save Your Wishes Echoes Lucean Pink Squares Part III We Were Made to Love (II) Our Smallest Adventures Recommendations The Hunter's Daughter P's & Q's (IV) A Step Too Far Behind (Ender)