GridLink Paroles

  1. Constant Autumn
  2. The Last Raven
  3. Thirst Watcher
  4. Stay Without Me
  5. Taibas
  6. Retract Perdition
  7. The Dodonpachi
  8. Black Prairie
  9. Island Sun
  10. Chalk Maple
  11. Wartime Exception Law 205
  12. Ketsui
  13. Longhena
  14. Look to Windward
  15. Constant Autumn Karaoke
  16. The Last Raven Karaoke
  17. Thirst Watcher Karaoke
  18. Stay Without Me Karaoke
  19. Taibas Karaoke
  20. Retract Perdition Karaoke
  21. The Dodonpachi Karaoke
  22. Black Prairie Karaoke
  23. Island Sun Karaoke
  24. Chalk Maple Karaoke
  25. Wartime Exception Law 205
  26. Ketsui Karaoke
  27. Longhena Karaoke
  28. Look to Windward Karaoke
Amber Gray
  1. Amber Gray
  2. 3 Miles Below Sea Level
  3. The Jenova
  4. Crash Logs
  5. Black
  6. Pattern Recognition
  7. Antitheist
  8. Stake Knife
  9. Asuka
  10. Burning Tiamat
  11. Severance Package