Giant Robot Paroles

  1. Eyes on the Price
  2. Dancehall Dominator
  3. Leave Your Man
  4. Airport City
  5. Taste of Love
  6. Real Simple
  7. Heartbreakdance
  8. Envelop You
  9. Modern Man
  10. Superweekend
Crushing You with Style
  1. I Am Not Human
  2. S, M, L, XL
  3. Urban International
  4. Where He At? (Aleksi)
  5. Dire Straits
  6. Doublepack Flipback (t-mu)
  7. Mrs. Black's Husband
  8. Circus in Cirkus (Kasio)
  9. Jenny
  10. Hki Bass (Tuomas)
  11. Helsinki Rock City
  12. The Fork (Arttu)
  13. Precast Empire
  14. Giisselii nigamiin (Zarkus)
  15. Dub Controls
  16. Petro's Bells (Petro)
  17. Ignition
Giant Robot
  1. Jowls
  2. Giant Robot
  3. Binge Buddies
  4. Sally
  5. I Love My Parents
  6. Idle Hands
  7. Well, Well, Well
  8. Scraps
  9. Mrs. Beasley
  10. Scapula
  11. The Void
  12. Chicken Boy