General Elektriks Paroles

Parker Street
  1. The Spark
  2. Holding Down the Fort
  3. The Genius and the Gangster
  4. I'm Ready
  5. Summer Is Here
  6. Bow Before the Evening Light
  7. She Wore a Paper Dress
  8. Show Me Your Hands
  9. Hardship is Over
  10. Pack Up Your Bags & Go
  11. Bad Day
  12. We Ride
  13. Quiet Entertainers
Good City for Dreamers
  1. Take Back the Instant
  2. Raid the Radio
  3. You Don't Listen
  4. Helicopter
  5. Cottons of Inertia
  6. Little Lady
  7. Engine Kickin' In
  8. David Lynch Moments
  9. Gathering of the Lost Loves
  10. Mirabelle Pockets
  11. La nuit des ephémères
  12. Bloodshot Eyes
  13. Rebel Sun
Cliquety Kliqk
  1. C'est l'introduction
  2. Frost On Your Sunglasses
  3. F'acing That Void
  4. C'entral park
  5. Time To Undress
  6. Tu M'intrigues
  7. Terms And Conditions Apply
  8. Take You Out Tonight
  9. Le Carroussel Cosmique
  10. Brain Collage
  11. Parachute
  12. Techno Kid