Future of the Left Paroles
How to Stop Your Brain in an Accident
Bread, Cheese, Bow and Arrow
Johnny Borrell Afterlife
Future Child Embarrassment Matrix
The Male Gaze
Singing of the Bonesaws
I Don't Know What You Ketamine (But I Think I Love You)
French Lessons
How to Spot a Record Company
Donny of the Decks
She Gets Passed Around at Parties
Something Happened
The Real Meaning of Christmas
Things to Say to Friendly Policemen
Why Aren't I Going to Hell
The Plot Against Common Sense
Sheena Is a T-Shirt Salesman
Failed Olympic Bid
Beneath the Waves an Ocean
Cosmo's Ladder
City of Exploded Children
Goals in Slow Motion
Camp Cappuccino
Polymers Are Forever
Sorry Dad, I Was Late for the Riots
I Am the Least of Your Problems
A Guide to Men
Rubber Animals
Notes on Achieving Orbit
Travels With Myself and Another
Arming Eritrea
Chin Music
The Hope That House Built
Throwing Bricks at Trains
I Am Civil Service
Land of My Formers
You Need Satan More Than He Needs You
Stand by Your Manatee
Yin / Post-Yin
Drink Nike
Lapsed Catholics
The Lord Hates a Coward
Plague of Onces
Fingers Become Thumbs!
My Gymnastic Past
Suddenly It's a Folk Song
Kept by Bees
Small Bones Small Bodies
Wrigley Scott
Real Men Hunt in Packs
The Contrarian
Dry Hate
My Wife Is Unhappy
New Adventures
With Apologies to Emily Pankhurst
Arming Eritrea
Beneath the Waves an Ocean
Chin Music
Drink Nike
Failed Olympic Bid
I Am Civil Service
Lapsed Catholics
My Gymnastic Past
Real Men Hunt in Packs
Small Bones, Small Bodies
Stand by Your Manatee
The Hope That House Built
The Lord Hates a Coward
Throwing Bricks at Trains
Wrigley Scott
Yin / Post-Yin