Frank Duval Paroles

Colour Collection
  1. Angel Of Mine
  2. Face To The Wind
  3. Give Me Your Love
  4. Ways
  5. If I Could Fly Away
  6. Living Like A Cry
  7. Face To Face
  8. Time For Lovers
  9. Angel By My Side
  10. Cry For Our World
  11. Living My Way
  12. It Was Love
  13. Lonesome Ways
  14. Lovers Will Survivre
  15. Todesengel
Angel of Mine
  1. Angel of Mine
  2. Touch My Soul
  3. Children of Our Time
  4. Ways
  5. On the Wing
  6. Give Me Your Love
  7. Lord
  8. If I Could Fly Away
  9. Children of Goods
  10. Melody of Sadness
  11. Love What's Your Face
  12. Galaxis Zena
  13. It Was Love
  14. Love
  15. And at the End of Every Street
Touch My Soul
  1. Touch My Soul
  2. Avedana
  3. Life Will Go On
  4. And at the End of Every Street
  5. Children of Our Time
  6. And One Day
  7. Closer to Heaven
  8. Help Me
When You Were Mine
  1. When You Were Mine
  2. Face to the Wind
  3. Galaxis Zena
  4. It Seems to Be a Dream
  5. Element
  6. Fight in Myself
  7. When He Left Her
Time for Lovers
  1. Lord
  2. A Day Like Today
  3. Out of Seasons
  4. Time for Lovers
  5. Mysterious Girl
  6. It Was Love
  7. Changeover
  8. Angel by My Side
  9. Time for Lovers (Epilog)
Living Like a Cry
  1. Alaya
  2. Moments and Mysteries
  3. Time for Angels
  4. Dream-Machine
  5. Living Like a Cry
  6. Ways
  7. Seven Eternities
Face to Face
  1. Face to Face
  2. Cry (For Our World)
  3. Love
  4. Schwarzer Walzer
  5. Autumn Dreams
  6. Love What's Your Face
  7. Todesengel
  8. Angel of Mine
  9. Stone Flowers
  10. Feel Me
  11. Sky Train
  12. Mystic Love
  13. Song of Theben
  14. Time to Make a Break Now