
Majesties Ranch Lyrics

Note you were leaving the truck
wipe your seats of surfin' blood
we got a moving day, a moving day
we got a moving day, a moving day
We got a small detachment by the sea
overlooking Coral Key
wipe your tears and shut the door
brought the fire see the shore

Some focused oranges will crawl
you'll make some..the preachers I don't know
you had it all and the majesties ranch
a majesties ranch up, a majesties ranch up
a majesties ranch up, a majesties ranch up
He got the fever and I got the juice stories

yeah it's the gather and make some the blues
we got a bottom ways, a bottom ways
we got a bottom ways, a bottom ways
We got a small detachment bout the sea
overlooking Coral Key
wipe your tears and shut the door
brought the fire see the shore

Some focused oranges will crawl
you'll make some..the preachers I don't know
you had it all and the majesties ranch
a majesties ranch up, a majesties ranch up
a majesties ranch up, a majesties ranch up
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We'll Be the Moon (Bonus Track Version) (2012)
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