Equimanthorn Paroles

Second Sephira Cella
  1. Entrance to the Ancient Flame (Precursory Procedure in the Name of OUMQ)
  2. To Enter the Tower of Shadows (Trapped in the Witch's Spell)
  3. Rule of Utukagaba (Ruling of the Scarlet Light Established At the Gates of the Waters)
  4. Refulgent Splendour (7 Conquerors and Their Multitude Part II)
  5. Sephira Tephirot (Natura Non Facit Saltum)
  6. Mists over Masshu (The Moisture of Mercury Rises)
  7. Sixth Throne of Asaru (The Eyes of Two Daughters Meet)
  8. He Who Makes the Name of Masshu Abundant (Sar Dannu Ina Mati Basi SarBumasla Emuki Nesi Part II)
  9. Where the Watchers Mourn (...and Dance)
  10. Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara (The Enthroned Ninnkigal Gazes Benignly Upon the Viewer from a Fragment of Contentment, by Means of a Craft Inscribed to Our Queen Ereshkigal)
  11. Reflections of the Last Rays of the Moon (Erichtho's Aggrandizement)