Dan Deacon Paroles

Gliss Riffer
  1. Feel the Lightning
  2. Sheathed Wings
  3. When I Was Done Dying
  4. Meme Generator
  5. Mind On Fire
  6. Learning to Relax
  7. Take It to the Max
  8. Steely Blues
  1. Guilford Avenue Bridge
  2. True Thrush
  3. Lots
  4. Prettyboy
  5. Crash Jam
  6. USA I: Is a Monster
  7. USA II: The Great American Desert
  8. USA III: Rail
  9. USA IV: Manifest
  1. Build Voice
  2. Red F
  3. Paddling Ghost
  4. Snookered
  5. Of the Mountains
  6. Surprise Stefani
  7. Wet Wings
  8. Woof Woof
  9. Slow with Horns / Run for Your Life
  10. Baltihorse
  11. Get Older
Spiderman of the Rings
  1. Wooody Wooodpecker
  2. The Crystal Cat
  3. Wham City
  4. Big Milk
  5. Okie Dokie
  6. Trippy Green Skull
  7. Snake Mistakes
  8. Pink Batman
  9. Jimmy Joe Roche
Meetle Mice
  1. BJI Aii Hmhp #14
  2. Never Do That (Mars)
  3. Biggle Hat Was Ice Cream Time (Card Shark Nose Nose) (live)
  4. 30 (From 21 Through 35) (live)
  5. Electronics With Clarinet and Bari Sax
  6. Song for Dina
  7. My Own Face Is F Word
  8. Drinking Out of Cups
  9. sdahgfdgh3frgha3wffhjdvbjs4uh
  10. That's a Nice Shirt (Dad)
  11. Aerosmith Permanent Vacation 24162-2
  12. Plums
  13. Aw Ah Ah Ah (Party Cakes)
  14. My Weasle Is Married Worm Married
  15. I Have AIDS
  16. 005 September 22 BE