Dan Deacon Paroles
- BJI Aii Hmhp #14
- Never Do That (Mars)
- Biggle Hat Was Ice Cream Time (Card Shark Nose Nose) (live)
- 30 (From 21 Through 35) (live)
- Electronics With Clarinet and Bari Sax
- Song for Dina
- My Own Face Is F Word
- Drinking Out of Cups
- sdahgfdgh3frgha3wffhjdvbjs4uh
- That's a Nice Shirt (Dad)
- Aerosmith Permanent Vacation 24162-2
- Plums
- Aw Ah Ah Ah (Party Cakes)
- My Weasle Is Married Worm Married
- I Have AIDS
- 005 September 22 BE