Chief Kamachi Paroles

The Clock of Destiny
  1. 2nd Lecture
  2. Clock Keep Tickin'
  3. Kamalah
  4. Steel Umbrella
  5. Clock of Destiny
  6. Little African Girl
  7. Prince Hall
  8. Crooked Angels
  9. Let the Organs Play
  10. Prisoners
  11. 11:59
  12. True and Living
Concrete Gospel
  1. The Gospel
  2. 24th Elder
  3. Jim Kelly
  4. Death Choir
  5. Love 4 the Craft
  6. No Me Now
  7. U Try
  8. 777
  9. Little African Boy
  10. Scattered Sermons
  11. Holy Rollers
  12. Kamachi
  13. We Still Searching