Chainsaw Paroles

Hell's Burnin' Up!
  1. Hell's Burnin' Up
  2. The Dungeon
  3. Last Fortress
  4. Cut Loose
  5. Rage & Revenge
  6. Midnight Hunter
  7. Born to Kill
  8. He Knows You Are Alone
  9. Ageless Force
  10. When the Beast Awake (demo'85)
  11. No Speed Limit (demo'85)
  12. Runningfree (demo'85)
  13. The Tombs of the Blind Dead (demo'85)
  14. Lord of Darkness (Pre-Production demo)
  15. Soul on Fire (Pre-Production demo)
  1. Dragon's Den
  2. Evilution
  3. The beast
  4. Hung, Drawn & Quattered
  5. At Callanish
  6. Storm Lover
  7. Wail of the sidhe
  8. The carving
  9. Invisible land
Metal Missionary
  1. Demolition Hammer
  2. Hand of God
  3. Supreme Command
  4. The Missionary
  5. The Meat Factory
  6. Liquid Love
  7. Total Annihilation
  8. Two Feet of Meat
  9. Dominion of Man
  10. Meet Your Maker
  11. Tonight I'm Going to Rock You Tonight
  12. The Meat Locker
Zombie Holocaust
  1. Cannibal Butchery
  2. Bodies in the Sewer
  3. Gore and Candy
  4. Carnal Incest
  5. Zombie Holocaust
The Journey Into the Heart of Darkness
  1. Bitter Thoughts
  2. The Beginning
  3. Na Skrzydłach Nocy
  4. Destroying the Madness
  5. Dying Hope
  6. In Flames
  7. Welcome to Hell
  8. Masters of Shattared Dreams
  9. Impatient
  10. The Mourning Song / End of Pleasure