Capercaillie Paroles

Roses and Tears
  1. Him Bò Hug I Ò Tha Mi Ann Am Èiginn
  2. Turas an Ànraidh / Gheibh Sinn Ribinnean Mòra Mòra
  3. Don't You Go
  4. Hardiman the Fiddler / My Love's Wedding / The Aphrodisiac
  5. O Lioba Có Leathag (A Clapping Song from Barra) / Mo Ghùn Ùr Sioda
  6. Seinneam Cliù Nam Fear Ùr
  7. Oran Sugraidh
  8. The Quimper Waltz / An Damez Kozh
  9. Soldier Boy
  10. Iain Mór Fada Gòbhlach / A' Ràcan a Bh' Againne
  11. Rose Cottage Reels: The Reverend / The Hare's Paw / Old New Year / Rose Cottage
  12. Leodhasach an Tìr Chèin
Choice Language
  1. Mìle Marbhaisg
  2. Homer's Reel
  3. The Old Crone (Port na Caillich)
  4. Little Do They Know
  5. At Dawn of Day
  6. The Boy Who
  7. The Sound of Sleat
  8. Nuair a Chì Thu Caileag Bhòidheach
  9. Who Will Raise Their Voice?
  10. A State of Yearning
  11. Sort of Slides: Choice Language / Bring Out the Wilf / Come Ahead Charlie
  12. I Will Set My Ship in Order
  1. Glen Orchy / Rory Macleod
  2. Sidewaulk Reels
  3. Soraidh Bhuam Gu Barraidh
  4. Am Buachaille Bàn
  5. Balindore
  6. David Glen's
  7. Puirt a Beul / Snug in a Blanket
  8. Brenda Stubbert's Set
  9. Fisherman's Dream
  10. The Turnpike
  11. The Haggis
  12. The Weasel
  13. Both Sides of the Tweed
  1. Skye Waulking Song
  2. Hope Springs Eternal
  3. Michael's Matches
  4. Tighinn air a' Mhuir am Fear a Phòsas Mi
  5. Hoireann O
  6. Truth Calling
  7. Argyll Lassies
  8. Mo Chailin Dìleas Donn
  9. Rapture
  10. The Hollybush
  11. Gaol Troimh Aimsirean
Glenfinnan (Songs of the '45)
  1. Òran do Loch Iall
  2. Òran air Bhreith a Phrionnsa Tearlaich
  3. Òran Eile don Phrionnsa
  4. An Fhideag Airgid
  5. Alasdair's Tune
  6. Clò Mhic 'Ille Mhìcheil
  7. Mo Rùn Gael Òg
  8. Smuladh Mi's Mi air Maineol
  9. Gaelic Psalm Theme
Beautiful Wasteland
  1. M'Ionam
  2. Inexile
  3. The Tree
  4. Am mùr gorm (The Blue Rampart)
  5. Beautiful Wasteland
  6. Co ni mire rium (Who Will Flirt With Me?)
  7. Shelter
  8. Hebridean Hale-Bopp
  9. KeppleHall / 25 KTS
  10. Thiocfadh leat fanacht
  11. Finlay's
  12. Sardinia
  1. Alasdair Mhic Cholla Ghasda
  2. Balindore
  3. Fisherman's Dream
  4. Sidewaulk Reels
  5. Iain Ghlinn'cuaich
  6. Fosgail An Dorus / Nighean Bhuaidh' Ruadh
  7. The Turnpike
  8. Both Sides of the Tweed
  9. The Weasel
  10. O Mo Dhùthaich
Get Out
  1. Waiting for the Wheel to Turn ('92 version)
  2. Pige Ruadh (live)
  3. Dèan Cadalan Sàmhach / Servant to the Slave ('92 version)
  4. Silver Spear Reels (live)
  5. Outlaws (live)
  6. Coisich a' Rùin (live)
  7. Fear a' Bhàta
  8. Dr. MacPhail's Trance ('92 version)
  1. Puirt a Beul / Snug in a Blanket
  2. Soraidh Bhuam gu Barraidh
  3. Glen Orchy / Rory MacLeod
  4. Am Buachaille Bàn
  5. The Haggis
  6. Brenda Stubbert's Set
  7. Ma Thèid Mise Tuilleagh
  8. David Glen's
  9. Urnaigh a' Bhan-thigreach
  10. My Laggan Love / Fox on the Town
  11. An Ribhinn Donn