Brian Eno Paroles

The Ship
  1. The Ship
  2. Fickle Sun (i)
  3. Fickle Sun (ii) The Hour is Thin
  4. Fickle Sun (iii) I'm Set Free
  5. Away
Nerve Net
  1. Fractal Zoom
  2. Wire Shock
  3. What Actually Happened?
  4. Pierre in Mist
  5. My Squelchy Life
  6. The Roil, the Choke
  7. Ali Click
  8. Distributed Being
  9. Web
  10. Web (Lascaux mix)
  11. Decentre
Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks
  1. Under Stars
  2. The Secret Place
  3. Matta
  4. Signals
  5. An Ending (Ascent)
  6. Under Stars II
  7. Drift
  8. Silver Morning
  9. Deep Blue Day
  10. Weightless
  11. Always Returning
  12. Stars
Ambient 1: Music for Airports
  1. 1/1
  2. 2/1
  3. 1/2
  4. 2/2