
Count Us Out & Pro Choice! Lyrics

every scene has it's marks/ so has hardcore/ but if hardcorekids become sheep/ then count us out/ hardcore a fashion/ count us out/ hardcore isn't about looks/ it's the message that counts/ respect think diy/ victory is ours/ hardcore a fashion/ count us out/ if hardcore becomes a trend/ veganburgers at mc donalds/ infest on mtv/ no for an answer
you say that abortion is murder/ yes of course, but I look further/ a foetus is a little human, I agree/ but that doesn't end it as far as I can see/ you force someone an unwanted child/ which will be unloved for the rest of it's life/ a foetus suffers less when it's aborted/ than a child without a nice mom & dad/ besides that a woman has rights too/ but that doesn't seem important to you/ saving a life but destroying another/ because she is forced to be mother/ pro life sucks
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