
Only Music Lyrics

I'm about to lose it all
I won't be sober when I fall
I trust everyone but me
Only music sets me free
I got a friend I never call
I hate the way she sees it all
She drags the truth right out of me
Only music sets me free

I don't need someone to tell me
who I'm supposed to be
There's enough of that stuff always ringing in my ears
Lose me in an old song
And someone else's tears
And get me out of here
I've never done what I was told
I don't seem to fit the mould
There's more to me than what you see
Only music sets me free

God only knows where this will end
I'm getting used to 'lets pretend'
It's not how it's supposed to be
Only music sets me free
I don't need someone to tell me
who I'm supposed to be
There's enough of that stuff always ringing in my ears
Lose me in an old song
And someone else's tears
And get me out of here

So gentle down my crooked road
Turn it up and take it slow
Wind back through the best of me
Only music sets me free
Only music sets me free
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Songs & Pictures (2011)
Shiny Things Waitress Purple Hills Woman In Me Only Music Hello Happiness Millionaires (featuring Kasey Chambers) Singer Sees It All Gloria's Roses Here I Go Again Australian Woman Leave The Light On Songs & Pictures