
Massachusetts Lyrics

When the porter yells Massachusetts
I'll be there with bells, Massachusetts
Homesick as can be, Massachusetts
Only place for me, Massachusetts
Got a special date
With that New England State
How my heart will knock, Massachusetts
To see Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts
Want to roam around, Massachusetts
In Nantucket town, Massachusetts
I can hardly wait
I hope the train ain't late

You can't guess how much it means for me to be there
Childhood friends and childhood scenes for me to see there
`Neath blue skies above, Massachusetts
With the one I love, Massachusetts
Just like Jack and Jill, Massachusetts
We'll climb Bunker Hill, Massachusetts
Spread the news around
I'm Massachusetts bound
(Orchestral Interlude)

As you walk to Lexington, you think of glory
When those minute men were done, they left a story

Where they speak with ee's, Massachusetts
Boston if you pleese, Massachusetts
Where they can't say can't, Massachusetts
And where Aunt meets Aunt, Massachusetts
Spread the news around
I'm Massachusetts, Massachusetts bound
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Sometimes I'm Happy (2002)
Kick It Stop! The Red Light's On How Do Coppin' a Plea Harlem on Parade Barrelhouse Bessie From Basin Street That's What You Think Massachusetts I'm Going Mad for a Pad Deliver Me to Tennessee Tea for Two Memories of You Ace in the Hole Sometimes I'm Happy What Is This Thing Called Love Hi Ho Trailus Boot Whip I Told Ya I Love You, Now Get Out It's Different When It Happens to You How High the Moon Malaguena Key Largo I Ain't Gettin' Any Younger