
Tempest Lyrics

Clouds of smog
In the marrow
So dearly held
The wind will swallow
The fossil air
Corrodes and binds
Tempesuous breath
The wind will swallow
Across the skies
Rusted rain falls
So proudly hailed
The tempest of man

From Southern seas
To the Polar ice
Spreads disease
The water will rise
The poisoned sea
Corrodes and binds
Tempesuous hands
The water will rise
Across the seas
Crude waves capture
So proudly hailed
The tempest of man
Across the land
Chrome soil infects
So proudly hailed
The tempest of man
From the highest peaks
To the lowest valleys
Your Motherlands cry
In the ground you'll lie
Infected soil
Corrodes and binds
Impetuous hearts
In the ground you'll lie
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Forgive Us Our Trespasses (2009)
Alpha (Law of Nature, Part 1) Amber Waves of Gray Tempest The Light in Their Eyes Trouble Is Near Arc of Failure (Law of Nature, Part 2) Midnight Across the Wilderness Time Our Saviour (Law of Nature, Part 3) Omega