1910 Fruitgum Co. Paroles
- Indian Giver
- No Good Annie
- I've Got to Have Your Love
- Good Good Lovin'
- Candy
- Special Delivery
- Game of Love
- Let's Make Love
- Groovy Groovy
- Sweet Lovin'
- 1910 Cotton Candy Castle
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Keep Your Thoughts on the Bright Side
- Magic Windmill
- The Year 2001
- Soul Struttin'
- Simon Says
- May I Take a Giant Step (Into Your Heart)
- Bubble Gum World
- Happy Little Teardrops
- The Story of Flipper
- (Poor Old) Mr. Jensen
- 1, 2, 3 Red Light
- The Song Song
- Shirley Applegate
- The Mighty Quinn
- Yummy Yummy Yummy
- 9, 10, Let's Do It Again
- The Book
- Sister John
- Take Away
- Lookin' Back
- Blue Eyes and Orange Skies
Goody Goody Gumdrops
- Goody Goody Gumdrops
- Liza
- Mr. Cupid
- Hot Diggity Dog
- Hook Line & Sinker
- Dee-licious
- Please Me, Tease Me
- (Play Our Song) Mr. Music Man
- A, B, C, I Love You
- Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum
- Polly-Wally-Doo-Da-Day