植松伸夫 Paroles

Distant Worlds II: More Music From Final Fantasy
  1. Prelude
  2. The Man With the Machine Gun
  3. Ronfaure
  4. A Place to Call Home / Melodies of Life
  5. Zanarkand
  6. Dancing Mad
  7. Victory Theme
  8. Suteki da ne
  9. Terra's Theme
  10. Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII
  11. Prima Vista Orchestra
  12. Dear Friends
  13. J-E-N-O-V-A
Distant Worlds: Music From Final Fantasy
  1. Opening / Bombing Mission
  2. Liberi Fatali
  3. Aerith's Theme
  4. Fisherman's Horizon
  5. Don't be Afraid
  6. Memoro de la Stono / Distant Worlds
  7. Medley 2002
  8. Theme of Love
  9. Vamo' alla Flamenco
  10. Love Grows
  11. Opera "Maria and Draco"
  12. Swing de Chocobo
  13. One-Winged Angel
Piano Collections: Final Fantasy IX
  1. 永遠の豊穣 Eternal Harvest
  2. 隠者の書庫ダゲレオ
  3. いつか帰るところ
  4. Vamo' alla flamenco
  5. 辺境の村 ダリ
  6. 魂なき村 ブラン・バル
  7. 消えぬ悲しみ
  8. 独りじゃない
  9. 盗めぬ二人のこころ~その扉の向こうに
  10. ローズ・オブ・メイ
  11. 眠らない街 トレノ
  12. とどかぬ想い
  13. 最後の闘い
  14. Melodies of Life
Piano Collections: Final Fantasy VIII
  1. Blue Fields
  2. Eyes on Me
  3. Fisherman's Horizon
  5. Ami
  6. Shuffle or Boogie
  7. Find Your Way
  8. The Oath
  9. Silence and Motion
  10. The Castle
  11. The Successor
  12. Ending Theme
  13. Slide Show Part 2
Final Fantasy VIII: Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
  1. Liberi Fatali
  2. Blue Fields
  3. Don't Be Afraid
  4. Balamb Garden ~ Ami
  5. Fisherman's Horizon
  7. Eyes on Me
  8. The Man With the Machine Gun
  9. Dance With the Balamb-Fish
  10. Love Grows
  11. The Oath
  12. Ending Theme
  13. Fragments of Memories
  1. 雨の日,子供達は
  3. おきざりの ちいさな...
  4. 優しい経験の復活
  7. 深い海・ブルー
  8. マヤの民
  11. アガスティアの葉
Piano Collections: Final Fantasy VI
  1. Tina
  2. Gau
  3. Cefca
  4. Spinach Rag
  5. Stragus
  6. The Mystic Forest
  7. Kids Run Through The City Corner
  8. Johnny C Bad
  9. Mystery Train
  10. The Decisive Battle
  11. Coin Song
  12. Celes
  13. Waltz de Chocobo
Final Fantasy VI: Grand Finale
  1. Opening Theme~Tina
  2. Cefca
  3. The Mystic Forest
  4. Gau
  5. Milan de Chocobo
  6. Troops March On
  7. Kids Run Through the City Corner
  8. Blackjack
  9. Relm
  10. Mistery Train
  11. Aria Di Mezzo Carattere
Piano Collections: Final Fantasy V
  1. A Presentiment
  2. Tenderness in the Air
  3. Harvest
  4. Ahead on Our Way
  5. Critter Tripper Fritter!?
  6. My Home, Sweet Home
  7. Mambo de Chocobo
  8. Lenna's Theme
  9. Music Box
  10. Battle With Gilgamesh
  11. Waltz Clavier
  12. Dear Friends
  13. The New Origin
Final Fantasy V: Dear Friends
  1. Ahead on Our Way
  2. Lenna's Theme
  3. Pirates Ahoy
  4. Critter Tripper Fritter
  5. Intension of the Earth
  6. My Home, Sweet Home
  7. The Land Unknown
  8. Tenderness in the Air
  9. Waltz Suomi
  10. Fate in Haze
  11. As I Feel, You Feel
  12. Musica Machina
  13. Music Box
  14. Dear Friends
ファイナル・ファンタジーIII 〜悠久の風伝説〜
  1. 邪悪の胎動
  2. 風の啓示
  3. 彷徨の旅路
  4. その大いなる導き
  5. 陰と陽の攻防
  6. 凶々しき渇望
  7. 新たなる世界