Крода Paroles

Live Under Hexenhammer: Heil Ragnarok!
  1. Schwarzpfad V: Kalte Aurora (Intro I)
  2. Schwarzpfad I: First Snow
  3. Schwarzpfad II: Universal Provenances
  4. Schwarzpfad III: Forefather of Hangmen
  5. Schwarzpfad IV: Heil Ragnarök!
  6. Noregsgard
  7. Kroda (Intro II)
  8. Eternal Path of Legends
  9. In the Smoke Breath
  10. Beginning of the Wild Winter Night of Oskorei
  11. Soul Wandering (Intro III)
  12. The Passing of the Grey Company
  13. Der scharlachrote Tod
Towards the Firmaments Verge of Life...
  1. Trizna
  2. Pathways of Fate
  3. Wind From the Mountains
  4. From Behind the Horizon
  5. A Memory in Blood
  6. How Steel Was Singing Through Flames of Fire
  7. Wolfish Rage
  8. In the Smoke Breathe...
  9. Wrath