
Civilization's Dying Lyrics

Civilization's dying
And no one's realizing
The position of hate stuck inside the gun
Civilization's crying
And I won't try to deny it
We got a problem son,
Something's gotta be done
With the Pope
And the president
And the big rockstar who made alot of money
All got one thing in common
They know it ain't no fun to get shot with a gun
{End of Chorus}

Civilization's dying
And no one's realizing
The position of hate stuck inside the gun
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Vicious Circle (1987)
Vicious Circle Amphetamine Addiction New Generation Dirty Alleys/Dirty Minds Civilizations Dying Livin' in the 80's Drug Free Youth High Places Human Body Mom's Wallet Down the Drain Outta Style You Can Touch Me Forced Entry High Time Charlies's Place Trying Harder Johnny Better Get Inergy Dingy Bars Suck Slam and Worm She Said Goodbye Toys in the Attic