Nazaar eyle
Look at me...
Gill yanama pazaar eyle
Gather around and we will make it a lively bazaar
(Repeat 1 & 2)
Youjay hahkaan saifaray gitmeesh
The Supreme Khan went on a war
Bilgay khatoon dau kooz dau Urmoosh
And the Wise Woman gave birth to nine sons
Dau kooz olaan baish yashina gelmish
The nine sons became five years old
Dau kooz bir then kihlich kushanmush
And all nine had their own girds and swords
Nazaar eyle
Look at me...
Gill yanama pazaar eyle
Gather around and we will make it a lively bazaar
(Repeat 1 & 2)
Sirrmaa sachlooh kirk gyuzell galmeesh
Then there were forty beauties with golden hair
Levent boylou kirk yiday varmush
They married forty handsome knights
Do-oun dernek kirk geje soormush
Their weddings continued for forty nights and forty days
Kirk deve kirk koyun kurbann kai-silmieesh
Forty camels and forty sheep were slaughtered
Nazaar eyle
Look at me...
Gill yanama pazaar eyle
Gather around and we will make it a lively bazaar
(Repeat 1 & 2)
Look at me...
Gill yanama pazaar eyle
Gather around and we will make it a lively bazaar
(Repeat 1 & 2)
Youjay hahkaan saifaray gitmeesh
The Supreme Khan went on a war
Bilgay khatoon dau kooz dau Urmoosh
And the Wise Woman gave birth to nine sons
Dau kooz olaan baish yashina gelmish
The nine sons became five years old
Dau kooz bir then kihlich kushanmush
And all nine had their own girds and swords
Nazaar eyle
Look at me...
Gill yanama pazaar eyle
Gather around and we will make it a lively bazaar
(Repeat 1 & 2)
Sirrmaa sachlooh kirk gyuzell galmeesh
Then there were forty beauties with golden hair
Levent boylou kirk yiday varmush
They married forty handsome knights
Do-oun dernek kirk geje soormush
Their weddings continued for forty nights and forty days
Kirk deve kirk koyun kurbann kai-silmieesh
Forty camels and forty sheep were slaughtered
Nazaar eyle
Look at me...
Gill yanama pazaar eyle
Gather around and we will make it a lively bazaar
(Repeat 1 & 2)