
Don't Worry! Lyrics

What's up? Hey girl!
La, La everyone has such a difficult things
Don't worry! Each one's unique
I wish you will make a smile
I will stand by you
La, La it's lonely to be alone in this world
Don't worry! Each one's unique
I wish you will make a smile

What do you wanna do?
What are you looking for in your future?
If you think of that
You have only to believe oneself!
Oh, yeah!

Do you wanna dance? Do you wanna sing?
Let's go! Right now enjoy your life
Shake your hip! Sing in a loyd voice!
Din di du du di la lu lu, feel this beat!
Do you wanna dance? Do you wanna sing?
Let's go! Right now enjoy your life
We can dance all of the night
Yes! It's beginning a party time

What's up? Hey boy!
La, La nobody knows what will happens to you
Don't worry! Each one's unique
I wish you will make a smile

I will stand by you
La, La when you got lost your dark way
Don't worry! Each one's unique
I wish you will make a smile
What do you wanna do?
What are you looking for in your future?
If you think of that
You have only to believe oneself!
Oh, yeah!

Do you wanna dance? Do you wanna sing?
Let's go! Right now enjoy your life
Shake your hip! Sing in a loyd voice!
Din di du du di la lu lu, feel this beat!

Do you wanna dance? Do you wanna sing?
Let's go! Right now enjoy your life
We can dance all of the night
Yes! It's beginning a party time
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Orange Juice (2004)
Sunny Sunday 星のカケラ Cartoon Heroes My Journey 葛飾ラプソディー 〜ヤムヤムversion〜 ★smile★ Don't Worry! Nothing Special Change My Life Don't Worry Be Happy