
Not Far Away Lyrics

There's a deep dark hole in the mountain
Where the devil sleeps all the time
Guarding his gold from the boys, young and old
From the men who worked the mine
From the men who worked the mine
There's a deep dark hole in the mountain
Where we'd shovel and pick everyday
Stealin' his gold, yeah, the boys, young and old
They're gone but not far away
They're gone but not far away
Oh, devil's dream in the mountain
Haulin' it down to the mill
Day after day, drawin' our pay
From a deep dark hole in the hill
From a deep dark hole in the hill

There's a deep dark hole in the mountain
That last shot was a b**
Let's muck her out, boys, load'er up
And blow her to kingdom come
We'll blow her to kingdom come
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Old Hands (2003)
Pride of Alabama Hill Country Girl Big Lights Deep Pockets Sleepy Cowboy Train Bound for Glory Land Wind Through the Willows Not Far Away And Going Away Alone and Blue Everytime Winds O' Wyoming Behold, the Rock of Ages