
Bling-Blang Lyrics

You get a hammer and I'll get a nail;
You catch a bird and I'll catch a snail;
You bring a board and I'll bring a saw,
And we'll build a house for the ba-by-o
Bling blang, ham-mer with my ham-mer,
Zing-o zang-o cut-ting with my saw.
I'll grab some mud and you grab some clay
So when it rains it won't wash away.
We'll build a house that'll be so strong,
The winds will sing my baby a song.

You get a hammer and I'll get a nail;
You catch a bird and I'll catch a snail;
You bring a board and I'll bring a saw,
And we'll build a house for the ba-by-o
Bling blang, ham-mer with my ham-mer,
Zing-o zang-o cut-ting with my saw.
Run bring rocks and I'll bring bricks.
A nice pretty house we'll build and fix.
We'll jump inside when the cold wind blows
And kiss our pretty little baby-o.

You get a hammer and I'll get a nail;
You catch a bird and I'll catch a snail;
You bring a board and I'll bring a saw,
And we'll build a house for the ba-by-o
Bling blang, ham-mer with my ham-mer,
Zing-o zang-o cut-ting with my saw.
You bring a ladder and I'll get a box.
Build our house out of bricks and blocks.
When the s*****rd flies and the honeybee comes,
We'll feed our baby on honey in the comb.

You get a hammer and I'll get a nail;
You catch a bird and I'll catch a snail;
You bring a board and I'll bring a saw,
And we'll build a house for the ba-by-o
Bling blang, ham-mer with my ham-mer,
Zing-o zang-o cut-ting with my saw.
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Songs to Grow on for Mother and Child (1991)
Grassy Grass Grass (Grow, Grow, Grow) Swimmy Swim Little Sugar (Little Saka Sugar) Rattle My Rattle I Want My Milk (I Want it Now) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 One Day Old Wash-y Wash Wash (Warshy Little Tootsy) I'll Eat You, I'll Drink You Make a Bobble Who's My Pretty Baby (Hey Pretty Baby) I'll Write and I'll Draw Why, Oh Why Pick It Up Pretty and Shiny-O Needle Sing Bling-Blang Goodnight Little Arlo (Goodnight Little Darlin')