
You Don't Miss Your Water Lyrics

In the beginning
You really loved me
I was too blind
I couldn't see
But now you've left me
Oh! how I cry
You don't miss your water
Till the well runs dry

I kept you crying
Sad and blue
I was a playboy
I wouldn't be true
But when you left me
And said 'bye-bye'
I missed my water
My well ran dry

I sit and wonder
How can this be?
I never thought
You'd never leave me
But now you've left me
Oh! how I cry
You don't miss your water
Till the well runs dry

You don't miss your water
Till the well runs dry
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The Soul of a Bell (1967)
Everybody Loves a Winner You Don't Miss Your Water Do Right Woman, Do Right Man I've Been Loving You Too Long Nothing Takes the Place of You Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye Eloise (Hang on in There) Any Other Way It's Happening All Over Never Like This Before You're Such a Sweet Thang