
Broke Lyrics

They're pulling up, their lights are flashing
There's no time for question asking
Hide the weed under the napkin
Try hard not to laugh
Cause I f***** up big time on this one
I'm getting busted for possession
s***, I got a concealed weapon
Laying in my lap
If you were where I'm at
You would do the same god d*** thing
It ain't because I'm black
It's just because I don't have a thing
I'm 19 years old and broke as f***
I'm a pothead and an alcoholic
Label me a f****** convict
There's not a penny in my wallet
So gimme all your change
I'm in and out of jail and rehab
Can't seem to break the habits we have
But Mary Jane always makes me laugh
And that's the b**** to blame

If you were where I'm at
You would do the same god d*** thing
It ain't because I'm black
Its just because I don't have a thing
I'm 19 years old and broke as f***
broke as f***
broke as f***

I'm 19 years old and broke as f*** [x3]
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Minority Rules (2005)
Broke Loud and Clear Old Man Sampson Miss Perfection Scar Your Lungs Police Song Holly No Future Feel Like s*** Overrated Miss the Buss [silence] [untitled] [untitled] [untitled]