
Release the Cure Lyrics

This Infection obsession
Of agendas we've ignored
Bodies burning half a mile high
Ashes falling from a broken sky
The Wars of the World Were a System and Peace Was Ignored
The Wars of the World Were a
Symptom, Release The Cure

This Distraction is a fraction
Of the motives they've obscured
Pain is profit, death is monetized
Panics broadcast fear incentivized
The Wars of the World Were a System and Peace Was Ignored
The Wars of the World Were a
Symptom, Release The Cure

This place is death
Mankind has failed himself
His ignorance match only by his selfishness.
The Wars of the World Were a System and Peace Was Ignored
The Wars of the World Were a
Symptom, Release The Cure
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Westfield Massacre (2016)
March into Extinction Darkness Divides Respect Resistance Underneath the Skin (feat. D. Randall Blythe) Alchemy Time to Rise Build Your Thrones Honorable Discharge The Purple Heart Loretta Release the Cure Consummation of Disgrace