
Behind the Curtain (Opening) Lyrics

Just tell me what happened to him
Is he hurt, is he alive?
W-where is he?
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
Do you recognise my voice?
This is your story-teller
I'm happy to be here with you, and I'd like you to join me
For the first time
F-for more than a year, ominous rumours have been privately circulating
I realise what I'm about to say may come as a great shock. However, I'm counting on you to respond appropriately
Using great presence of mind, we rush to our closest laboratory
Our dream has been led by cloning: we would re-duplicate the entire
Let me know when you're ready
That's a good start
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Tales of the Forgotten Melodies (2005)
Behind the Curtain (Opening) Que serĂ¡ Ungodly Fruit Between Fellows Hypnosis Theme Damn That Music Made My Day Where My Heart's At Birth of a Struggle Am I Free Ringing Score I Don't Know Our Dance Stay Tuned Walk the Line A Woman's Voice Don't You Remember How I Feel Behind the Disguise (Closing)