
Am I Free Lyrics

Raise your right hand
Do you swear to tell the truth
The whole truth
Nothing but truth
I will answer any questions concerning myself
But it's against my conscience
To give names or to inform about other people
Today it's all monopoly
In a free world they violate the natural rights of every citizen
Am I free to travel
Of course you're free to travel
Only with a passport
Only with a passport
Only with a passport
And free speech, does that exist
[sample: A King in New York (dir. Charlie Chaplin, 1957)]
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Tales of the Forgotten Melodies (2005)
Behind the Curtain (Opening) Que serĂ¡ Ungodly Fruit Between Fellows Hypnosis Theme Damn That Music Made My Day Where My Heart's At Birth of a Struggle Am I Free Ringing Score I Don't Know Our Dance Stay Tuned Walk the Line A Woman's Voice Don't You Remember How I Feel Behind the Disguise (Closing)